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Five Things–April 27

When I'm tired, especially when it's the kind of tired from my body hurting and it's still hurting, it's hard to find five good things (or even three or two, honestly) in my day. But I think that's when it's especially important for me to do these lists. Finding some good things on hard days keeps me from sliding into even harder times. So here's a list for today.

  • I have a day off tomorrow, so I get to stay up a little later (I am a night owl!) and sleep in a bit in the morning.
  • We ordered pizza for dinner.
  • I was invited to do a writing thing with a group of writers starting on the weekend, and I have a brand new composition book to crack open for it!
  • M surprised me with an adorable Strange Planet mask to add to my collection of fun masks to wear at school. It even says "knowledge transmitter."
  • It's chilly enough to have the fireplace on and a blanket on my legs (under the sleeping kitty), and it feels very cozy and relaxing right now.

That's my list. How's your day?


2 thoughts on “Five Things–April 27

  1. Sue Blott

    Oh I love your list. That mask sounds wonderful! And the cosiness of the blanket over your legs, a roaring fire and a sleeping kitty. Bliss! I hope you're enjoying your day off. I write a gratitude journal every night before sleep and list 5 things I'm grateful for that day (a practice from Sarah Ban Breathnach). Very affirming. Not matter how rotten the day has been, there's always something...even if it's simply pen and paper. Thank you for sharing. <3

    1. Kim

      Yes, you're right--very affirming! Pausing to find something good really gives me a boost.

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