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Around Here May 16

Here's a little glimpse of the hodgepodge of projects I have going on right now. Is it possible to have too many good ideas? Nah...

First, the big new project that came on suddenly last night. We're doing a piano to desk conversion for my art table in my studio! It really did come together fast. My partner found a photo and showed it to me because he knew I would like it. I said, "I want it!" I didn't even realize at the time that it used to be a piano; I just thought it was a really cool desk. So he checked to see if anyone around had a piano. He found someone who had posted two minutes before about a piano they were giving away because it could no longer be tuned or repaired (apparently people give away a lot of pianos!). This morning he texted the person. They said come get it. He texted his father and brother who both happened to be available (a rarity because they're busy guys), and now a piano is at my house waiting to become a desk!

Next up we suddenly found ourselves in possession of two bases from old treadle sewing machines! One is going to become a patio table with a reclaimed wood top, and the other is going to be the base for a stand-sit desk in my partner's office. And the old machine that came with one of them is going to be garden decor, possibly where it is on my favorite big stone in the front of the house or possible on a few paving stones in our biggest plant bed. That part's to be decided. We also had been talking about using the metal from a park bench to make a patio chair from if we could find one, and then his father said they were getting rid of an old and damaged bench and asked if we wanted it! And of course the answer was yes!

Finally, a friend who knows I love old typewriters (I have a small collection) gifted me this fabulous mid-century Royal that I'm cleaning and tuning up to use in a cool bookbinding project I'm just starting (the paper in the second photo is for that).

Sometimes you tell the Universe you want a thing or two, and the Universe is very generous and sends it all your way. I feel like that's been happening the past week or so, and now I'm pretty sure I have plenty of projects to last me most of the summer. Stay tuned! I'm sure there will be plenty of photos as I go along.

Until next time,


6 thoughts on “Around Here May 16

    1. Kim

      It did! Sometimes the Universe likes to get showy with the magic. I'm good with that. 😀

  1. elle

    Wow Wow and Wow! I can't wait to see what you new piano desk is going to look like. I have one of those old Singer machines and the table/treadle but mine is working and I use it for sewing. I did recently see a photo of a house where someone had used it in the bathroom with a sink installed on top, it was an old house and it looked really cool. I'm also intrigued by your bookbinding project.

    I keep asking the universe for stuff but she's not listening atm lol Elle xx

    1. Kim

      Oh wow! That machine as part of the sink sounds amazing! I love being able to give old things new life if they're no longer usable for what they were made for.

  2. Donna

    Oh wow I can't wait to see how the piano conversion gets along. And thrbookbinding project sounds intriguing too!

    1. Kim

      I know I'll be blogging about it as we get it going. I hope it comes out nice!

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