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Good Things, June 27, 2021

It's been a hard week, and I'm having a hard time getting anything done. It doesn't help that we're having record-breaking heat in the Pacific Northwest. 111 degrees today--I guess I'm glad we didn't hit the predicted 115. But tomorrow is still predicted to hit that 115, so I guess we could still break the record we just set.

When you're having a hard time, feeling down, struggling with getting work done, all of that, it's good to have a toolkit to turn to to help you shake things up. One of my favorite tools (I've mentioned this before) is making a list of good things in my world. So here's a list to remind me that things are not all bad or even going to stay this way forever.

  • I went to the beach this week! With friends! And I was even strong enough to climb down some wooden steps and across some rough rocks and walk on the sand and dip my toes in the water. It was glorious!
  • We have a portable air conditioner in our bedroom, and a brand-new block to go around the vent for it in the sliding door, so our room is a beautiful, cool haven for us and the cats.
  • On Wednesday, I'm going to do a Zoom with a few people to make vision boards for the second half of the year (you can join us in our Facebook group where we're getting started on gathering supplies and getting ready for Wednesday--it's free, and I think it will be fun!)
  • I signed up for a writing class through The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers. It's not until August, but I'm really looking forward to it. And meanwhile I have a few self-paced classes through there to get to work on, so that should tide me over.
A gratuitous photo from Wednesday's beach trip

These lists are like little miracles. I feel better, brighter after writing them. I just need to remember to keep coming back. What about you? What's good right now? Drop me a note (maybe make a list!) in the comments. I'd love to hear about your good stuff.

Until next time,


10 thoughts on “Good Things, June 27, 2021

  1. Donna

    Hello!! I too have had a tough time keeping on top of the blog! Love your lists, they make me realise that we are all doing what we can to get through the days and weeks. I'm glad you have aircon though, I had been reading about the heatwaves over in the US. I hope you are able to continue to keep cool.

    1. Kim

      Yes, we really are all doing what we can. It's good to remember we're not alone in that. And yes, the heat was incredible and unnerving, but at least we had a nice, cool haven in our bedroom to ride it out. Really not good, though.

  2. Susan Renshaw

    What a lovely photo to start your post! Great that you managed to get to the beach. Hope the heat is easing...
    Happy Crafting!

    1. Kim

      It had been so long since we got to go to the beach! I'm really glad we were able to go. And yes, the heat has eased. We had a couple of fairly cool and lovely days, and now we're in normal summer temps, thank goodness! It's cool enough to do more painting and gluing!

  3. elle

    Wow that is some serious heat! I had to convert it to Celsius to understand just how hot - 43C! So glad you have AC in the bedroom, are the cats flaked out? Our temps never get that high here but they did in Australia. Here a heatwave is 25C haha, but I am appreciating it because it beats rain. I have a couple of lists on the go at the moment, one is my list started nearly a year ago of things I can't find lol, and the other is a boring things that need doing asap list. Elle xx

    1. Kim

      I'm so grateful for our AC! The bedroom stayed a cool haven even at the worst of it. We don't get anything like this, either. It was some sort of strange heat inversion or something like that. I hope we don't get that ever again! I could really get into 25C being a heatwave. That sounds perfect! 😀 I hope you find the things on your list and get through the boring things so you can have some fun!

    1. Kim

      Yes, they have cooled down. It was pretty awful! Those are some records I hope we don't break or even come close to again any time soon.

    1. Kim

      Hectic and hot--yep. Not really a good combo! We're heading into triple digits again, but I'm working on making it not hectic this time.

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