You may have heard about the book deal that John Scalzi signed with Tor a bit over a week ago.
You may also have seen some of the uproar. Â Most of what I've seen on the internet has been really positive, congratulating Mr. Scalzi and wishing him well. Â But there have been people saying he's selling out, people who seem to think that somehow his getting a great deal is going to take something away from other authors. Â This is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Alastair Stephens of Story Wonk talked about this in one of his The Journeyman Writer podcasts last week, and I think what he has to say is important for all writers.  So have a listen.  Don't worry about what other writers are earning because it won't impact you at all, honest, and get back to your story.
The Journeyman Writer 53: A Big Deal