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I finally got last week's 52 Stories piece finished.  It took me a very long time for a rough draft of a four page story.  Not because it was a hard story to write but because I kept running up against my ego like a truck slamming into a brick wall.

I was getting hung up on the story being "good" again.  I was worried because there are parts of it where I didn't really know what I wanted to have happen.  I was anxious because my descriptions felt bland and flat.

I kept having to remind myself that it's a rough draft, it's not meant to be good, it just meant for getting the basic ideas down.  This is a hard lesson for me.  I will probably run up against this brick wall again.  But meanwhile, I have a story up.  I also have a quick sketch of a flash fiction piece that I will write up and get posted sometime between now and Sunday, and then I'll be back on track.  And headed for that next collision with my ego, I'm sure.

Week 8: The Heart of a Home

Copyright © Kim Switzer 2012
